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the daily motivator

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the daily motivator Empty the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:28 pm

so you can all get motivated each day you stop by the forums!


Solidly on your way
You may be tired, or discouraged, or frustrated, or uncomfortable. No matter what, your best option is to move positively forward.

Hanging on to past disappointments will only hold you back. Taking comfort in being a victim gives you no real comfort at all.

Staying safe by never venturing out, by never taking risks, is the riskiest thing you can do. Because it guarantees that you won't get anything accomplished.

It takes effort to move forward, as well as courage and determination. Fortunately, you are filled with courage and determination, and you are able to make whatever effort you choose.

Yes, you may feel some fear and trepidation, yet courage is not the lack of fear. Your courage gives you the ability to feel your fear, to listen to what it has to say, to allow it to prepare you, and to move ahead.

You know what you desire and you know why you desire it. Set your sights on the goal, and know that you're solidly on your way toward its achievement.

-- Ralph Marston

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:33 am

Feel the purpose
There are times when nothing can hold you back. Imagine making today one of those times.

There are moments when you're able to focus with absolute clarity and act with maximum effectiveness. You can make this moment one of those moments.

What makes the critical difference that creates those times of optimum performance? What makes the difference is a clear and unambiguous connection to purpose.

When you're doing what you know is right, your natural ability to achieve becomes fully engaged. It pulls you successfully through whatever challenges you may encounter.

The way to make this day a day of spectacular achievement is to connect your actions with authentic positive purpose. Keep yourself aware of the good, solid meaningful reason behind what you do, and you'll do it with outstanding effectiveness.

Nothing can hold you back when the actions necessary to move forward are connected to the very essence of who you are. Feel the real purpose behind what you seek, and you will surely make it so.

-- Ralph Marston

Solidly on your way

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:39 am

Yours for the doing
You can wait for things to get better. You can hope for things to get better. You can wish for your situation to improve, for your problems to be magically solved. You can come up with a lot of excuses for not taking action. You can come up with a long list of people to blame. You can desperately believe the empty promises of those who say they'll make it all better for you.

Or you can get busy and make things happen. It's your choice. You can either make yourself vulnerable or you can make yourself valuable. You can choose to be a victim or you can decide to be a victor.

Your life is not something that happens to you. The life you experience is a direct result of the way you choose to experience it in every moment. It can be full of pain and despair or it can be filled with joy and accomplishment.

Today is your opportunity to live life on your own terms. You are unique. You are worthy. You are able. You can create greatness in your own life through the way you spend each precious moment. You can. It is yours for the doing, right here and now.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:35 pm

okay... so here's tuesday's motivator (on wednesday)

yesterday i had to deal with someone off another forum who was going to commit suicide right there and then, and today my emotions are all screwed because i did a stupid thing and watched the miners trapped underground. but i've turned it off now, try and get myself back to normal.

so here's today's motivator.


Live life now
The joy and fulfillment you seek, are here now for you to experience. If you are not fully present in this moment, when will you ever be?

Don't waste another minute by waiting for conditions to improve. The opportunity to live the best day of your life is here and now.

Embrace this moment just as it is, and taste its richness. Step confidently forward just as you are, and fully live life now.

Obsessing over what could have been or what should have been won't bring you any value. Following your positive purpose in this moment is what will create value.

You are now free from all the limitations you had imposed on yourself in the past. You can now see your best possibilities and act to fulfill them.

There is so much richness right here and now. Open yourself to the beautiful experience that is yours to fulfill.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:40 am

Subjective reality
If you're having a difficult day, is it the day itself that's difficult? No, it is the way you perceive and interpret the events of the day that make it feel so difficult.

Remember that you can always change your perception. You can always choose the way you interpret and respond to whatever happens in your world.

Those who make a habit of achieving great things operate within exactly the same objective reality as everyone else. What sets achievers apart is a more positive, empowering subjective reality that they create with their own perceptions.

Much of what happens in the world is out of your control. Yet all of what you do about whatever happens is yours to choose, to direct and to perform as you please.

Decide to see yourself as empowered by events, and you will naturally take empowering, effective actions. Focus your subjective reality around the values and goals that are truly meaningful to you, and through that reality you can employ those values to achieve those goals.

Look at life with a positive, purposeful perspective. And make reality work for you.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:09 pm

Direction of advance
Today your life will advance. Now is when you can choose the direction of that advance.

On this day, your actions will result in consequences. The specific actions you choose to take will determine exactly what those consequences will be.

Though many events and circumstances come your way, life does not happen to you. Rather, the substance of your life happens through you, because you determine how to respond to those events and circumstances.

Your true priorities are not the ones you merely talk about or admire, but are the ones you actually follow and sustain from one moment to the next. Your life will go precisely where those authentic priorities take you.

In every waking moment of every day, you are accomplishing things and making a difference in your world. Whatever you most consistently focus your thoughts and actions upon, you will create.

In each small moment, you have great power because you can intentionally direct the energy of your life. Choose wisely, with love, faithful to your purpose, and know the fulfillment that you are here to know.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:29 pm

One thought away
You are one thought away from being supremely and authentically confident. You are one thought away from stepping powerfully, effectively and decisively in the direction of your dreams.

With just one positive, empowering thought, you can turn toward achievement, toward excellence, toward discipline and commitment. From nothing more than a thought that resonates with your true purpose, you can change your perception of the whole world.

Reach into the place within, where you nurture your vision of the very best life you can imagine. With all you have, with all you are, feel the beautiful reality of that vision.

And know that whatever you can imagine, whatever you can feel, you can create. In fact, it already exists within you.

Feel within yourself the reality of life as you know it can be. Then, with your words, your actions, your priorities and commitments, with your focus and discipline, express that beautiful, meaningful value.

In every moment, in every circumstance, through every challenge, let that immense value flow out from you. It is never more than just one thought away.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:07 pm

thanks for delivering this on time member of the other forum lol.

here's today's motivator

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Laugh at every excuse
The easiest thing in the world is to come up with an excuse for not taking action. No matter what the situation, there's always an excuse that sounds perfectly reasonable and that can provide you with permission to do nothing.

Rarely does it help to fight against the excuses, because that just leads to even stronger and more compelling excuses. So how do you get around them?

Connect with a dream that is bigger than any excuse could possibly be. Grab hold of a dream that's so compelling it makes you laugh at every possible excuse.

If your goal is to do what you don't really want to do anyway, even the weakest excuse can stop you cold. If, however, your goal is tied to an authentic, personally meaningful dream, that's a completely different situation.

And that makes perfect sense. Because if it doesn't really matter to you anyway, there's not much point in spending your precious time on it.

Choose instead to live the beautiful, meaningful dreams that you truly desire to live. And no setback, no challenge, no excuse will have the power to even slow you down.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:55 pm

Celebrate abundance
Good fortune is measured not merely by what you have. Life's true fortune arises from what you have the opportunity to become, to create, to give and to experience.

Celebrate life's limitless abundance by making a positive, meaningful difference in your world. Feast upon life's delicious richness by allowing genuine, unrestrained joy and thankfulness to flow out from you.

Celebrate life's abundance by doing something new and unique and beautiful and loving with it all. Reach within, feel the miraculous reality of who you truly are, and delight in giving the best of yourself to life.

Shine the bright light of joy and thankfulness on all that is around you. Even the biggest problems are no match for the positive possibilities that fill your life.

Feel how good it feels when your joy spreads to others. Live the abundance of bringing your positive, meaningful purpose to life in each moment.

Let go of the doubts, let go of the fears, let go of the inhibitions and feel how good it feels to be authentically and fully alive. Celebrate the priceless abundance that is your life.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:18 pm

Even so
Some days it may seem that your actions are not very effective. Even so, the best thing you can do is to keep doing all you can.
Sometimes it may feel that although you care deeply about the world, the world does not care much about you. Even so, it is much better that you continue to care.

There will be times when you give all you have, and end up with nothing to show for it. Keep giving though, for the rewards are surely there, even if they are too profound for you to see just yet.

The disappointments may sometimes be so painful that you feel like giving up. Remember though, it is your caring that makes the disappointment possible, and that very same caring will pull you up and push you forward.

Though you may be reluctant to admit it, you can make any situation into a valuable, successful experience. You can live with love, joy and fulfillment even when everything seems to be pushing against you.

The circumstances of this moment may not feel particularly desirable. Even so, there is a beautiful treasure that's yours to give, and yours to live in this very place, on this very day.

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:10 am

You deserve
You deserve the best in life. And you deserve the experience of creating it.
You are worthy of a life that's rich and filled with meaning. And you are worthy of working through the difficult challenges to make that life a reality.

At any given moment, including this moment right now, you are fully deserving of life's greatest experiences. It is never too early and it is never too late to fully feel how it feels to be uniquely alive.

You deserve to be extraordinarily happy in your own special way. And you deserve to realize and to understand that you are the only person who can choose to let that happiness flow.

You deserve to find the strength within yourself to triumph over difficult challenges. You deserve to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes from a job well done.

You deserve whatever you truly desire and whatever you most authentically imagine. Get busy now, with a love of the possibilities, and give yourself what you deserve.

(note third time lucky)

computer's acting up


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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:59 pm

we've a motivator


Not too late
It's never too late to richly live the moment you're in. Don't let regrets about the past destroy the unique opportunity you have right now.

Do you feel frustrated by your lack of progress? Then tap into the energy of that frustration to bring yourself fully to life in this moment that you now have to work with.

Today, you are more experienced and knowledgeable than you've ever been. Today, you can be more motivated than ever before to reach in and connect with your own special goodness.

And today you can put all of what you have into making real and positive progress. Today you can connect in a new and fulfilling way with what matters most.

You've already made an amazing journey to get to this moment. You've brought yourself here for a reason, so let yourself live that reason.

Make life the best it can be right now by doing something truly meaningful with it. Whatever you've come through, wherever you've been, it is never too late to feel the beautiful joy of being alive and making a difference.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:40 am

Friday, December 10, 2010
Live in a beautiful world
Life is so robustly interconnected that you cannot possibly know all the consequences of the actions you take. What you can know for sure is that even the small things you think, say and do will have a big influence on your world.

You are far more powerful than you will ever realize. So it is important to always make positive use of that power.

Even the little things you do can end up changing the world. So even when it doesn't seem to matter much at all, be sure to do your very best.

Live each moment authentically, true to your highest values. You cannot deceive the massive connected web that is life, so be as honest and sincere as you can.

What you do, what you think, and what you say all goes out from you, and the farther it spreads, the bigger it gets. Then, much of it comes back to you, even though you may not recognize it.

If you wish to live in a beautiful world, be beautiful yourself, without ceasing, and create that world. It all matters very much, so do it all with great love and positive purpose.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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the daily motivator Empty Re: the daily motivator

Post by cymbalta Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:05 am

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Your heart knows
Listen to your heart when it asks you to act with kindness. Your heart knows what truly fulfills you.

Listen to your heart when it suggests that you be patient. Your heart knows how real and lasting value is created.

Listen to your heart when it calls you to live this moment with joy. Your heart knows what makes you the most effective.

Listen to your heart when it urges you to see profound beauty in the most ordinary things. Your heart knows where your real strength comes from.

Listen to your heart when it reminds you to feel hopeful. Your heart knows about possibilities that your mind has not yet considered.

Whether you're up or you're down, whether you're confident or unsure, listen to your heart. For your heart knows why you're here.

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My mood : the daily motivator Th_hap10

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